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Archive for the ‘Job Search’ Category

bigstock-Asian-woman-with-big-surprise--33674468Being honest in the workplace is a good thing, but there are still some things that bosses just don’t want to hear. So here’s what Monster.com says are five things that you should never say to your boss.

  1. “I need a raise.” Companies don’t care what you need. They care about what you deserve. So make your case and show them that you really are worth more.
  2. “That’s not possible.” Bosses want to hear about what can be done, not what can’t. So focus on what is possible, or what it will take to get the job done.
  3. “I’m so hung over.” If you made the poor choice to hit it a bit too hard the night before, you can make the choice to suck it up and carry on the next day. That’s why we have coffee.
  4. “I don’t know.” You can’t know everything. But when there’s something you don’t know, simply say, “I’ll find out right away.” And then do it.
  5. “It’s not my fault.” They probably hear enough of that from their kids. At work, they’re looking for people who can take responsibility and solve problems.





What you wear says something about you. And while there are many right things to wear to an interview, there are a few wrong things, too. Check out Monster.com’s 10 fashion no-no’s for a job interview.

  1. Crazy nails. Wild nail polish or nails that are too long can give the wrong impression. Even men should trim and file.
  2.  Jangly jewelry. Wear only one earring per ear and no more than two rings per hand. And no face jewelry.
  3. Open-toed or backless shoes. Remember, it’s an interview, not a cocktail party.
  4. Bare legs. Sorry ladies, this applies even if it’s warm.
  5. Out-of-date-suit. Make sure your suit fits correctly and check your lapels. If needed, take the suit to a dry cleaner for a quick fix.
  6. Short skirt. Keep the hemline no higher than two inches above the knee. And no Capri pants or leggings.
  7. Leather jackets/blazers. For men or women, leave the leather at home.
  8. Turtlenecks (for men). At least for the first interview, wear a collared shirt and give strong thought to a tie.
  9. Trendy or sassy handbags. Choose a purse that’s conservative and inconspicuous.
  10. Brightly colored briefcases. If you bring a briefcase, make sure it’s black or brown and in good condition.

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You often hear about good questions to ask during an interview. But what about those things you shouldn’t ask? Here are 10 questions from Forbes.com that could hurt your chances.

  1. Don’t ask questions you could have answered with a Google search.
  2. Never ask to change job details, schedule or salary.
  3. Don’t ask about gossip you heard.
  4. Avoid too many questions about the interviewer’s background.
  5. Don’t as about pay, time off and benefits. Save that for after they make an offer.
  6. “Do you do background checks?” (You’ll look like you have something to hide).
  7. “What does your company do?” (See question No. 1 above.)
  8. “How quickly can I be promoted?”
  9. “How soon can I apply for other positions in the company?”
  10. “Do you monitor email or Internet history?”

Person Holding Hire Me Sign in Crowd

A job interview can make you feel as though you’re in the hot seat. But you can keep calm under pressure by remembering these tips from Forbes.com.

  1. Know the company. Research the company and write down questions in advance.
  2. Plan for the day. Print out your resume in advance, lay out your interview clothes, and plan how you’ll get there to arrive on time.
  3. Practice. Rehearse your answers, but don’t memorize them word for word. Instead, remember the points you want to get across.
  4. Eliminate the unknown. Not sure what to wear? Or even how to get there? Don’t be afraid to call them and simply ask if the company is business attire or business casual, and if there’s a recommended place to park or a direct bus or train line to their location.
  5. Arrive early. Being a little early helps you arrive relaxed and confident. It’ll make all the difference.
  6. Have a conversation. Treat it as a chance to get to know one another. Remember that the interviewer is just a human being trying to find the right candidate.
  7. Think positively. Visualize yourself doing a great job and tell yourself that you deserve it.
  8. Sit up straight. How you hold yourself makes an impression. So sit up straight and try not to fidget.
  9. Take a deep breath. A little nervousness is natural. So take a breath, tighten and untighten your hand, push your shoulders down…and keep on breathing.
  10. Focus on the job at hand. Don’t worry what the interviewer is thinking; just focus on what you’re doing.
  11. Accept mistakes. Employers aren’t looking for perfect. They’re looking for somebody who can do the job.
  12. Remember that there are other jobs. Maybe this one is right, maybe it isn’t. But it’s not the only one out there, so make sure you not only sell yourself, but that it’s a place where you really want to work.

Person Holding Hire Me Sign in Crowd

Before any interview, it pays to practice answers to common questions. But what if you’re caught off guard? Take a look at these unusual (but real, according to glassdoor.com) interview questions and think about how you might answer them.

  • If you were to get rid of one state in the U.S., which would it be and why? (asked by Forrester)
  • How many quarters would you need to reach the height of the Empire State building? (asked by JetBlue)
  • A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here? (asked by Clark Construction Group)
  • What song best describes your work ethic? (asked by Dell)
  • If we came to your house for dinner, what would you prepare for us? (asked by Trader Joe’s)
  • How do you make a tuna sandwich? (asked by Astron Consulting)
  • Estimate how many windows are in New York. (asked by Bain & Company)
  • What’s your favorite song? Perform it for us now. (asked by LivingSocial)
  • Have you ever stolen a pen from work? (asked by Jiffy Software)
  • Pick two celebrities to be your parents. (asked by Urban Outfitters)
  • What kitchen utensil would you be? (asked by Bandwidth.com)
  • On a scale from one to 10ten, rate me as an interviewer. (asked by Kraft Food)
  • If you could be anyone else, who would it be? (asked by Salesforce.com)
  • How would you direct someone else on how to cook an omelet? (asked by PETCO)

Remember, most interview questions are intended to teach them something about you and how you think. So keep that in mind and show them you can think on your feet!

For assistance, advice and more, contact Everest’s Career Services team.

Get a Job Computer KeyThe Internet is a great resource for job seekers, with numerous job boards and other tools to make finding the right job easier. But it also means that new trends emerge as job hunters and employers both start using the Internet in different ways. Here are just a few of those trends according to the people at LinkedIn:


Trend: Using LinkedIn for your resume.

A growing number are skipping the traditional resume and referring employers to their LinkedIn profile. It’s convenient, can hold a lot of information, and many see it as trustworthy. But it’s still a good idea to have a copy of your resume that you can print out or email to someone.

Trend: Employers looking for specialized skills.

When jobs are scarce, employers look for people with the exact skills they need. So be sure to highlight your specialized skills to make sure they can find you.

Trend: Reaching out to more people.

The more connections you make, the better your chances are of finding the job you’re after. Reaching out to people in the industry or from your school on places such as LinkedIn and other sites can be a great way to make these connections. So consider sending a friendly note to say “hi” and get your name out there.

Talk to people and find out what they’re doing. By making good use of the tools available to you, you can give yourself a leg up!

#1_Resume-on-the-Table-35426906Many people think that a resumes only job is to tell people where you’ve worked before. But it’s so much more than that. A good resume gets you noticed and makes an employer want to meet you. To help yours stand out in the pile, try to follow these tips:

  1. Don’t just send a Word document. Sometimes Word files look different on different computers. To make sure yours looks right, try to save it as a PDF file. Look for the “Save as PDF” option when printing.
  2. Save references for later. Personal references can be helpful, but instead of putting them on your resume, save them for later in the interview process.
  3. Include important keywords. Sometimes resumes go into a big computer database where managers can search for candidates. So make sure yours contains the words they’ll be looking for.
  4. Give it a unique look. No need to go crazy, but think about adding color or changing your layout a bit. It helps your resume stand out against the others.
  5. List your skills. Be sure to list your important skills at the bottom. Are you good with computers? Typing? Special training? Include it!
  6. List accomplishments, too. Don’t just mention past job duties, but describe what you did. Did you create a new way of working? Win an award? Meet a goal?
  7. Tell a story. Highlight your strengths and experiences that make you ideal for the job or career you want. And let them shine throughout your resume.

Need help building a strong cover letter and resume? Contact Everest Career Services for assistance, advice and more.

finding the good job- career

Sometimes the desire for a steady paycheck is so strong that we’ll talk our way into jobs where we won’t be happy. And that’s not good for anybody. Here are some simple ways to make sure the job is right for you.

  1. 1.    Be honest about who you are. Let them know what kind of person you really are, and what kinds of challenges you’re looking for. If this isn’t the right job, they might know of another one that is.
  2. 2.    Ask about the company. Find out what it’s like to work there, what their plans are for the company, and what kinds of people succeed there.
  3. 3.    Be open. While it may be tempting to hide undesirable things, like a long lapse in employment, it can work against you. But if you can be open and honest about even the negative things, and tell them what you’ve learned along the way, they’ll be more likely to trust you over somebody who tries to say they’re perfect.

Remember, even though you may really want a job, you should also want the right one. When you enjoy your work, you’ll be more successful.

Get Hired Words on Round Green Button

Finding a job today takes much more than just looking through the want ads. But the good news is that you also have more tools to help you. Here are a few tips to help you find your next job.

  1. Make the time. Don’t make looking for a job your lowest priority. Instead, set aside time every day to work on your résuméresume, check listings, send emails or call potential employers.
  2. Complete an online profile. Sites like LinkedIn are popular with employers and can help you look like the real deal.
  3. Reach out to people. Tell everyone you know that you’re looking and what you’re looking for.
  4. Stay up on your industry. Read articles, attend events and get involved. Show prospective employers that you’re serious about your field.
  5. Search everywhere. Don’t limit your search to just one place. Check online job boards, company websites and even the newspaper.
  6. Be persistent (but not a pest). Follow up with potential employers and let them know you’re interested. But don’t be a pest about it. That can ruin your chances.

Stick with it and stay focused. The right job is out there waiting for you.


#15 What you do Online

When considering a job candidate, employers do everything they can to try to get a sense of who that person is. One way that’s becoming more popular is social media, and that’s where it pays to be careful.

It’s so easy to let our guard down on sites like Facebook and Twitter. After all, it’s just our friends, right? Not always. In fact, many employers will research job applicants on social media even before the job interview. And depending on what they find, it may hurt your chances of ever getting a job there.

So what can you do about it? If you’re looking for a job, do yourself a favor and take a look at your social media history. Consider deleting posts that might seem inappropriate or make you look less reliable than you are. Check your privacy settings to ensure your posts are only shared with those in your closest network. And if you can add a few posts that show your intelligence, that’s even better – just in case all that you think is private is not.

What you do online may not land you a job, but it can certainly keep you from getting it. So be careful out there.

Everest College Information

Everest provides students with short-term career training in a variety of popular programs*. Our schools offer diplomas and/or degrees in:
Students can also earn online degrees through Everest University Online, a division of Everest University.

For more information about our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and other important information, please visit www.everest.edu/disclosures or www.everestonline.edu/disclosures.

*Programs vary by campus.


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