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Studying is an essential part to college success. Try some of these study hacks to take your study skills to the next level:

  1. Walk before an exam. Studies have shown that about 20 minutes of exercise before an exam can improve performance.
  2. Teach what you have learned. This will test if you truly understand the material.
  3. Drawing diagrams can help you visualize concepts that would be hard to describe.
  4. If typing your notes, Times New Roman is the fastest font to read.
  5. You’re 50% more likely to remember something if you speak it out loud instead of simply reading it over and over.
  6. Avoid distractions by blocking certain websites for a set amount of time. Apps like SelfControl (http://selfcontrolapp.com/) can help you stay focused.
  7. Try to engage all your senses (sight, smell, taste, touch and sound) while studying. The more senses you engage, the more likely you are to remember.
  8. Form a study group
  9. Reward yourself with a treat for a job well done.

Ready for a change? Here are six tips to switch careers at any age:

1. Learn all about your new field. Meet people who already work in the field you want and find a mentor.
2. Make sure you meet the desired qualifications. Check job postings to find out what skills you’ll need.
3. Update your resume. Career Services at Everest can help you stay on top of current job search trends.
4. Consider how to repurpose your existing skills. The skills you already know are valuable too!
5. Research how much it pays.
6. Get the right support. There’s nothing wrong in asking your family and school for help.

Money_EV072814Finishing your education doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are six money management tips to help you budget for your education:

1. Be wary of opening too many credit cards.
2. Use apps like Mint.com and You Need a Budget to track your spending habits.
3. If you have student loans, make sure you understand all the terms of the loan, including how much you owe and when.
4. Pay your bills on time to avoid incurring any penalties.
5. Set your priorities of what are necessities and what are luxuries.
6. Meet with your Everest student finance planner to help set a budget.

___ResumeEVpost_071014At some point in your career, there may be a time where you’re out of work for awhile. A gap on your resume is not a deal breaker if you know how to handle it. Here are three tips on how to handle a gap on your resume.

1. Take a positive approach. Describe how you used this time to prepare for your next job and what you learned from the situation.
2. Don’t dwell on the reason. Be clear and to the point when explaining the gap, but quickly move on to explaining the skills you have that make you the right fit for the job you’re applying for.
3. Take advantage of your cover letter. If you can’t downplay the gap, briefly use your cover letter to clear the air. Remember to keep a positive attitude in your explanation.

Email-in-the-inbox_WP061814Whether it’s your first day of career training or the first day of a new job, it’s helpful to know how to keep your email inbox organized. As the world becomes more digital, knowing how to keep your inbox clean will become even more important. Here are five tips on how to manage your email inbox:

1. Create folders. Sort the messages in your inbox by date, subject matter or importance.
2. Respond to critical messages immediately.
3. Delete messages you don’t need.
4. Set aside time at the end of the week to clean out any clutter that might’ve slipped by during a busy week.
5. Don’t wait until your inbox is out of control. Develop good habits and keep your inbox in check all the time.

_studytipsbusystudentsEV_053014Between family and work, it may seem like there’s never time to study. For the busy student juggling a hectic schedule, here are some study tips to help you get ahead:

1. Know the best time of day for you to study. Some people function better in the mornings, some better at night. Experiment and find the time you’re most alert.
2. Schedule study time in your calendar. Set aside specific time in your schedule and make it a habit.
3. Don’t cram. As a busy student, it may be tempting to put studying off until the last minute. It’s more effective to study a little over a long period of time than to cram a lot into a short period of time.
4. Make flashcards so you can study on the go!
5. Ask your friends for their study tips. They’re probably busy too so find out how they personally manage and see if it works for you, too.

SLeep_EV050814Your quality of sleep has a bigger impact than you may suspect. Sleep and success go hand in hand. Without enough sleep, you’re working harder but don’t do as well. Here are some ways to sleep better:

1. Take advantage of naps. If you find an unexpected break during your day, make it nap time!
2. Medicine is rarely required to improve sleep. Instead, try relaxation techniques before getting into bed.
3. Avoid caffeine in the afternoons or evenings. This can stay in your system longer than expected and make it harder to relax.
4. Separate your study space from your sleeping space. Don’t study in your bed.
5. Avoid using backlit devices, such as computers or television, right before bedtime. These devices stimulate the mind and irritate the eye.

Employeed_EV_post_050214_newHave you been using the same job search techniques for a while now? And are you stuck on the job market? Maybe it’s time to rethink how you approach your job search. Here are some job search techniques that don’t work and you should stop using:

1. Don’t spend all of your search time online. Job boards can be great, but there is a lot of competition on there. Be sure to also use your connections and search paper ads as well.

2. Stop relying on the fact that you’re a “fast learner.” The ability to adapt is very useful, but employers are looking for somebody with tangible skills that can hit the ground running. Even if you’re not an obvious match, make an effort to show how the skills you do have can be applied to the job. This takes the focus off what you can’t do and puts it on what you can do.

3. Follow up with the interviewer or recruiter, but don’t do so with ridiculous frequency. There’s a difference between being proactive and being annoying. Too much follow-up can turn off a prospective employer.

association_EVPost042114Considering joining a professional or trade association? Associations can help jumpstart your career and make new connections. Here are some tips for finding the right association for you:

1. Ask for suggestions from your classmates or instructors.
2. Find one that concentrates on your specialty.
3. Look for mentorship opportunities.
4. Location, location, location. Pick a professional or trade association that is easy for you to attend meetings regularly.
5. Have fun and make new friends that share your interests.

7.memoryHave you tried a mnemonic device yet to help you study? A mnemonic device is a memorization technique using clues to help us remember information, usually by associating information we want to remember with an image, a sentence or a word.

One of the most common mnemonic devices is to create a sentence where the first letter of each word represents something you want to remember. For example, a way to remember the order of the planets is: My Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets = Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

Rhyming is another great way to remember things. For example, a rhyme to remember when Christopher Columbus discovered America goes: In fourteen hundred and ninety-two Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue.

There are tons of other mnemonic devices for you to try. So go ahead and get a little fun and creative with your studying.

Everest College Information

Everest provides students with short-term career training in a variety of popular programs*. Our schools offer diplomas and/or degrees in:
Students can also earn online degrees through Everest University Online, a division of Everest University.

For more information about our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and other important information, please visit www.everest.edu/disclosures or www.everestonline.edu/disclosures.

*Programs vary by campus.


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