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Email-in-the-inbox_WP061814Whether it’s your first day of career training or the first day of a new job, it’s helpful to know how to keep your email inbox organized. As the world becomes more digital, knowing how to keep your inbox clean will become even more important. Here are five tips on how to manage your email inbox:

1. Create folders. Sort the messages in your inbox by date, subject matter or importance.
2. Respond to critical messages immediately.
3. Delete messages you don’t need.
4. Set aside time at the end of the week to clean out any clutter that might’ve slipped by during a busy week.
5. Don’t wait until your inbox is out of control. Develop good habits and keep your inbox in check all the time.

_studytipsbusystudentsEV_053014Between family and work, it may seem like there’s never time to study. For the busy student juggling a hectic schedule, here are some study tips to help you get ahead:

1. Know the best time of day for you to study. Some people function better in the mornings, some better at night. Experiment and find the time you’re most alert.
2. Schedule study time in your calendar. Set aside specific time in your schedule and make it a habit.
3. Don’t cram. As a busy student, it may be tempting to put studying off until the last minute. It’s more effective to study a little over a long period of time than to cram a lot into a short period of time.
4. Make flashcards so you can study on the go!
5. Ask your friends for their study tips. They’re probably busy too so find out how they personally manage and see if it works for you, too.

Stressed young black woman studying

Just because they’re online, doesn’t mean they’re easy. Studying for online classes takes self-discipline and good habits. Here are five great study tips to help you be successful in online courses.

  1.  Study smart. Study in small blocks of time in an area free of distractions. And never study in front of the TV.
  2. Get organized. Set a study schedule and stick to it. And keep all your materials and notes organized and tidy.
  3. Read effectively. Read things once through quickly and then again more slowly. This helps your brain break the information into smaller bites.
  4. Don’t study in bed. Or on the couch for that matter. Study at a desk or the kitchen table when you’re wide awake. You’ll learn better and won’t fall asleep.
  5. Write notes by hand. Actually writing things out helps you remember them better than copying and pasting or even typing. It’s more interactive and helps you think about the information.

With a little planning and work, online classes can be a great way for busy people to get an education. You can do this!


If you’ve got a full-time job or other responsibilities, online classes can help you get your education on your schedule. Here are five things you can do to help make yourself more successful

  1. Choose a good school. Find a school with a good reputation, like Everest. It’ll help you in the long run.
  2. Show up. While there’s no classroom, it’s still important to participate in discussions online or participate in a work group.
  3. Learn your online tools. Before classes even start, learn how to use your online tools. That’s everything from what buttons to click to what’s available to you online.
  4. Use a newer computer. Technical problems can throw a wrench into an online education. Don’t let an old computer hold you back, and make sure you install anti-virus software to keep things running smoothly.
  5. Get to know your teachers and peers. Create an online profile with a picture of yourself and connect with your instructors and fellow students online or over email.

For more about what makes Everest a great choice for your online education, check out the Everest University Online.

#2Remember when you dreamed of being a movie star or professional dancer? Today’s teens have dreams that are rooted in the real world — in health care and IT.

Everest Institute recently surveyed 300 high school students age 14-18, asking which field was most likely to lead to their dream job. The top two choices were health care and information technology, with education coming in third.

“The survey indicates that young people are quite savvy and realistic about the paths to successful employment,” said Ken Sigmon, regional vice president of operations at Everest Institute.

A large majority of those surveyed also agreed that getting good grades and a degree are important for finding that dream job.

Everest offers a variety of career training and degree programs for young people interested in entering the health care and IT industries.

How NOT to Brush Your Teeth Infographic
How NOT to Brush Your Teeth – Via: Everest Dental Assistant Program


Anything worthwhile can be challenging, and an online education is no different. But with a little help and the right approach, you can make your online schooling a great experience. Here are a few tips to help you get the most from your online education:

  • Keep in touch. Be sure to keep in touch with your instructor with questions. Everest instructors will give you their email address to make it easy.
  • Print the syllabus. Even though it’s available online, having it printed and on the wall in front of you is a great way to keep track of where you are in class.
  • Set a schedule. Completing assignments on time is very important, so set aside time each day to work on them.
  • Make a list. Write down any upcoming assignments so you’re not caught by surprise.
  • Participate in discussion boards. Remember class participation back in high school or middle school? This is just like that, only online. And it is often a big part of your grade.
  • Read the material. Keep up with your assigned reading material, as you may be quizzed on it or need to write a paper.
  • Use a mobile app. If you have a smartphone or tablet, you can study when you’re on the go using a mobile app. Everest University Online offers a great app for iPhone and Android phones. You can learn about it here.

Remember, getting an education online is a great way to fit school in with a busy schedule. And with a little work, you can set yourself up for success.

The Brookings Institute recently performed a study to find a link between education and unemployment. And they found one. According to their report, cities where more people have a higher education also have more job opportunities.* The reverse was also true; cities with less higher education turned out to have fewer job opportunities.

So what does that mean to you? Education can be the key to a better career and more opportunities. And at Everest, you can pursue a degree in popular fields such as accounting, business, computer information science, criminal justice and paralegal. These are career-focused programs designed to prepare you for jobs in the 21st century economy. Classes are small, instructors are industry professionals and learning is hands on, so you get experience practicing the skills you learn. After graduation, you can get job placement support from Everest’s Career Services professionals.

For more information on associate and bachelor’s degree programs, as well as one-year diploma programs, contact Everest today. Programs and schedules vary by campus.

*Source: Brookings Institute, “Education, Job Openings, and Unemployment in Metropolitan America”

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Going back to school can be intimidating, especially when you feel like you’re older than all the other students. But have you considered how being a little older might be a good thing? Here’s why:

Maturity. Because of life experience — with jobs, kids or even being part of the PTA — you know how to focus and ask better questions that can help you really get things done. Your maturity gives you the skills you need to be a better student.

Less school burnout. An 18 or 19 year old has likely been going to school nearly their entire life and college can feel like more of the same to these kids. But you’ve had a nice break to recharge and see college as a means to an end versus just another day in classes.

More confidence. You’ll find that teachers are less intimidating to you than an 18 year old. Tests are less stressful because you’ve had years to learn how to manage your time and know what’s worth stressing about.

Your life experience and the wisdom it brings with it set you up for great success, so don’t let your age (or anything) hold you back!

How is Everest different than high school? High school can be a tough place for some students. There can be a lot of things to deal with, including large classrooms where it’s hard to get the instructors attention, classes that aren’t interesting to you and lots of bookwork.

At Everest, you’re in a classroom where you’ll get individual support and hands-on training that can help you gain confidence and learn new skills. Attending Everest means you can enroll and graduate in some programs in as little as 10 months.

After completing your program, we’ll help you polish your resume, develop strong interviewing skills, and find employers who are looking for people with your kind of training. Everest is a place where everyone’s top priority is to help you succeed.

Everest College Information

Everest provides students with short-term career training in a variety of popular programs*. Our schools offer diplomas and/or degrees in:
Students can also earn online degrees through Everest University Online, a division of Everest University.

For more information about our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and other important information, please visit www.everest.edu/disclosures or www.everestonline.edu/disclosures.

*Programs vary by campus.


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